Service Learning
Why is service important?
Service as action is an integral part of the Soundview and International Baccalaureate experience. Service builds the flexibility, perseverance, and confidence students need to bring about positive change in the wider community and beyond. Giving back to our communities is one way we educate citizens and leaders.
How do we encourage service?
Students directly apply their learning by taking action and demonstrating a commitment to service with and for the community. Powerful action is driven by students’ learning and personal passions and interests. When learning new concepts and ideas, we intentionally ask, “Now what? What are you going to do to help others with your new knowledge and skills?” Students are also expected to reflect on their service to better understand the impact of their actions on themselves and others.
What does service as action look like?
Soundview works with a variety of partners in the local community including organizations such as Operation Sack Lunch (OSL), SilverKite, Friends of North Creek Forest, Page Ahead, and Brighton Court. There are regular opportunities for students to engage with these organizations. On our campus, students partner with different classes for learning buddies once a month. Older students serve as role models for our younger students and build lasting relationships. Additionally, all students help with various tasks outside and inside our school buildings. Individual students and whole classes respond to their classroom learning experiences by taking relevant action.
When does service happen?
Student-driven action can happen anywhere and at any time. Weeding clubs start at recess and classes decide they want to make dog toys for a local shelter. Soundview also has a dedicated time each Friday afternoon for a school-wide service activity. Each week a different faculty member and class will plan a meaningful service activity to meet the needs of a particular community. On the assigned date, plan a service activity that can be done by all students in any of the divisions. The activity should be for a fifty-minute duration and have various access points since students of all ages will be completing this activity. Please make sure to include a reflective component as well. An important part of the service experience is for students to understand how and why they’ve given back.
Learning Buddies
Learning Buddies is a chance for different divisions in our school to interact with each other and build community. It’s another important part of our service program at Soundview where we can help maintain connection with each other. In the past, older students have read books to younger students, played games, or helped out in any way they could in the classrooms. It will be up to you and your buddy classroom to plan that forty minutes of time.