A Fantastic Assembly, Spring Benefit, Opportunities and More!
It’s been another fantastic week on campus, full of activity! On Tuesday, you may have spotted the film crew from Growing Boy Media capturing moments around Soundview. We’re excited to premiere our brand-new video at the Spring Benefit!
Dear Soundview Community,
There is no school for students this Monday, March 10th for a faculty and staff in-service day. Soundview faculty, staff Board of Trustees and volunteer parents will participate in the Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS) Accreditation process. Please note that no childcare or extracurricular clubs will be available on this day.
We have exciting news! The registration deadline for the Spring Benefit has been extended to the end of day on Monday, March 10th. This is your last chance to register. Don’t miss out!
Register for the event HERE.
Get excited about the full list of items to bid for the evening by viewing them HERE.
Registration Receipt: If you did not receive a receipt after completing the benefit form and submitting payment, please contact Ryan Wasserman to confirm that your registration has been successfully processed and received.
Reminder: After filling out the Spring Benefit registration form, please complete your checkout by clicking on “Cart” at the top of the website.
Secure childcare for the evening HERE.
If you are unable to attend but wish to contribute, click HERE.
Congrats to our first and second-graders (the Seals and Otters classes) for a wonderful and successful assembly today! The Performing Arts Center was completely packed. Thank you to all our parents for showing up to support your students. Today’s assembly highlighted Women’s History Month and the March International Baccalaureate (IB) trait “Inquirer.” You can see photos from this event below.

Here are the reminders and opportunities during the month of March:
Our March Community Coffee is on Wednesday, March 12th, from 9:10 am to 10:10 am in the Performing Arts Center. Upcoming dates are on the Community Calendar which you can find HERE.
Join us for the Early Childhood through Fourth Grade Spring Showcase on Thursday, March 20th, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Explore classrooms and hallways throughout our campus as our youngest students proudly guide their parents and guardians through their spring projects and classwork. This self-guided event offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate their learning and creativity.
To begin your exploration, please enter through the Performing Arts Center. Students will be supervised from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Upon arrival, head directly to your child’s classroom to start the experience. Older siblings are welcome to remain at school until the showcase begins.
Our 8th ParentMap ParentEd Talk will take place on Thursday, March 20th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. The topic is Harmony at Home, Successfully Navigating Parent-Child Differences with Pediatric Psychologists and parent coach Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart. The live viewing for current Soundview parents will be in the Soundview library, with an optional discussion until 1:30 pm. Space will be limited. If you're unable to join us in person, you can register to watch the live stream. Here are a few helpful details:
Soundview community members can register HERE.
The password for complimentary ticket access is SOUNDVSCH
After the talk concludes, all registered attendees will be emailed a link to watch the recorded session at their convenience.
Middle Years Program’s (MYP) Declamations is Thursday, March 27th from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm in the Soundview Performing Arts Center. This is a fully student-produced live variety show performance with a long tradition. This is a must-see event for the entire school community!
Additional parking will be available across the street from Soundview at the Lynnwood Ice Center.
We will provide supervision for siblings of performers from dismissal to 4:25 pm with an RSVP, which is due by Wednesday, March 26th. Please pick up your student(s) between 4:15 pm when the doors open and 4:25 pm. Please RSVP for supervision HERE.
All other friends and family members eager to witness the brilliance of our students, we kindly request your presence beginning at 4:15 pm to ensure a prompt start at 4:30 pm.
All students who are not performers MUST be accompanied by an adult and arrive with the other audience members between 4:15 pm-4:25 pm.
There is no school for students on Thursday, April 3rd and Friday, April 4th for parent/teacher/student-led conferences. There will be drop-in care available for students during the time of your conferences. Conference sign-up will be available on Tuesday, March 11th via Toddle.
Around the world and in different communities, March is a month of recognition and awareness:
March 6th was Harriett Tubman’s birthday. Tubman was a fierce activist for slavery abolition and became the first woman ever to command a military operation during the American Civil War. You can learn HERE.
March 8th is International Women's Day. This day is observed to recognize the cultural, political, social, and economic achievements made by women. It serves as an opportunity to inspire efforts to end gender biases and discrimination and achieve gender equality. You can learn HERE.
On February 28th, Ramadan began and goes until March 29th. Ramadan is considered one of the holiest months of the year for Muslims. In Ramadan, Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Qur’an, and fast from food and drink during the sunlit hours as a means of drawing closer to God and cultivating self-control, gratitude, and compassion for those less fortunate. Ramadan is a month of spiritual rejuvenation with a heightened focus on devotion, during which Muslims spend extra time reading the Qur’an and performing special prayers. You can learn more about this HERE.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School
One more thing…
On March 7th, 2010, Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman to win an Academy Award for best director, for her movie The Hurt Locker, about an American bomb squad that disables explosives in Iraq in 2004. Prior to Bigelow, only three women had been nominated for a best director Oscar: Lina Wertmueller for Seven Beauties (1975), Jane Campion for The Piano (1993) and Sofia Coppola for Lost in Translation (2003). Read more about this HERE.