Exciting Opportunities Await You This January!

Soundview's Care and Clubs programs are now open for registration! Spaces are filling up fast, so be sure to secure your student’s spot today for an enriching and engaging experience!

Dear Soundview Families,

It’s been a fantastic week back on campus, marking an exciting start to the new year at Soundview! A special thanks to our Soundview Parent and Guardian Association for “stocking the faculty lounge” in December. Food is love! 

A BIG congratulations to our amazing Soundview community, during our December challenge we raised $24,680 and unlocked the full match from Doug & Alison Suttles! We are very close to making our philanthropic goal of $365,000 for the school year. The Annual Campaign has raised just over $275,000 so far, which leaves us with roughly $90,000 to raise at Soundview’s Annual Spring Benefit Event. Save the date for Saturday, March 22nd from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm at the Edmonds Waterfront Center. More information to come in the following weeks with exciting items to bid on and steps to register for the event. 

We’re also excited to kick off the year with a fresh update to our website! The new design includes streamlined navigation options making it easier than ever to find information, learn more about Soundview, and stay up to date with everything happening in our community. We invite you to explore the updated site, click through the new sections, discover what’s new, and, most importantly, share it with your friends! Be sure to visit our refreshed website HERE

Admissions Deadline
The admissions deadlines for the 2025-2026 school year is three weeks from today. All applications from prospective new families are due Friday, January 31st. If you know of a family that would benefit from an ethical, rigorous, and compassionate education, please put them in touch with our Director of Admissions, Victoria Nunes, as soon as possible by visiting HERE

Before and After School Care and Clubs
Soundview’s Winter Care & Clubs are filling quickly! Spaces are becoming limited, be sure to reserve your spot today! Here are a few helpful details:

  • You can register your student(s) HERE.

  • Once your registration and payment are complete, our Auxiliary Programs Coordinator, Christine Taylor, will personally reach out to provide the final forms.

Here are the reminders and opportunities during the month of January:

  • Join Incoming Interim Head/Assistant Head of School Chrissy Sinclair, our trustees, and me for four head transition virtual information sessions by pod: early years, first and second grades; third through fifth grades, and middle years. Our agenda will include getting-to-know Chrissy, head transition process, and time for you to share what you value most about Soundview and ask questions. We’ll record and distribute these sessions too. Invitations with meeting links will come directly to you via email and Toddle. Below are the following dates to mark on your calendars:

    • January 16th from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Middle Years

    • January 28th from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Grades 3-5 

    • January 29th from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Grades 1-2

    • January 30th from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Early Years and Kindergarten

  • Our 5th ParentMap ParentEd Talk will take place on Thursday, January 16th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. The topic is Navigating Neurodiversity, Strength Based Support for Kids with ADHD with pediatric psychiatrist and best selling author Dr. Ned Hallowell. The live viewing for current Soundview parents will be in the Soundview library, with an optional discussion until 1:30 pm. Space will be limited. If you're unable to join us in person, you can register to watch the live stream. Here are a few helpful details:

    • Soundview community members can register HERE.

    • The password for complimentary ticket access is SOUNDVSCH

    • After the talk concludes, all registered attendees will be emailed a link to watch the recorded session at their convenience.

  • The Soundview State of the School meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 22nd, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. During the meeting, Soundview’s Board of Trustees will discuss their governance role, the head of school transition (including get-to-know incoming Interim Head of School Chrissy Sinclair), Soundview’s upcoming accreditation, and long-range financial planning, tuition, and strategic priorities. 

    • Please register to attend by Friday, January 17th. You can register to attend and secure childcare during the event HERE.

  • SPGA’s next big event is the Soundview Game Night and Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, January 25th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. Please note the time change originally listed on the school year calendar. This event is for the entire family and all ages. Join us for an afternoon of good food and fun games! The event will begin with the chili cook off competition, mac and cheese competition, and of course, the kids’ cornbread competition. Sign up soon as entries are limited this year! After you eat some goodies and vote for your favorites, we’ll play BINGO from 4:00 pm to 5:00 PM. We’ll also have a variety of other games. We’re looking for volunteers to help at the event. To RSVP or volunteer you can sign up by visiting HERE. 

  • Soundview School invites all fifth-grade students and their families to a special Middle School Preview on Thursday, January 23rd from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Humanities Room. This informative event offers students and parents a firsthand look at the exciting opportunities, unique programs, and supportive community that define our middle school experience. Attendees will have the chance to meet teachers, explore the curriculum, and ask questions about the transition to middle school. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing how Soundview continues to inspire curiosity, confidence, and a love of learning.

    • Please register to attend by Friday, January 17th. You can register to attend and secure childcare during the event HERE

  • Our January Community Coffee is on Wednesday, January 29th, from 9:10 am to 10:10 am in the Performing Arts Center. Upcoming dates are on the Community Calendar which you can find HERE

  • Our Soundview Parent and Guardian Association (SPGA) has partnered with Clothes for Kids! Each year, Clothes for Kids provides quality clothing for thousands of students where kids and teens can pick out their own clothes with their families. Clothes for Kids has served over 3,400 local underprivileged kids so far this school year and we are proud to be partnering with them. They are especially in need of winter items like hats, gloves, and coats. You can learn more about their mission HERE

    • There will be collections from January 13th - 17th. Collection will happen during drop-off and pick-up so you don’t even have to get out of your car to participate, and there will be collection bins in the hallways of the school. The clothing drive will also be linked with the donation of the unclaimed lost and found items at the school. The primary donation and collection day is happening with the help of the SPGA on Friday, January 17th. Clothes can be donated at any time to the office during January 13th - 17th, but we would prefer to keep it as close to the collection days as possible so we are efficient in this process, and as well being mindful of the space limitations in our work areas. 

Please note upcoming non-school days for students on: 

  • Monday, January 20th in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. School offices will be closed. 

  • Tuesday, January 21st for faculty/staff work day and report card writing.

Around the world and in different communities, January is a month of recognition and awareness:

  • January 13th is Korean American Day. This day is to honor and highlight our friends of Korean descent who have made immeasurable contributions as small business owners, military service members, faith leaders, doctors, artists, and elected officials for over a century. Ever since the first immigration wave happened way back in 1903, and you can learn more about this HERE

Welcome back everyone!

Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School 

One more thing…
On January 10, 1878, Republican Senator Aaron A. Sargent of California introduced the first amendment to Congress that would grant women the right to vote. The 19th Amendment was part of a worldwide movement for women's suffrage. The campaign for women's suffrage was successful in part due to Carrie Chapman Catt, who linked the movement to the US war effort in World War I. President Woodrow Wilson declared his support for female enfranchisement in his 1918 State of the Union address. The 19th Amendment makes it illegal to deny the right to vote to any citizen based on their sex, which effectively granted women the right to vote. It was first introduced to Congress in 1878, however it was not certified until 42 years later in 1920. Learn more about this HERE


Save the Date: Join Us for the Soundview Spring Benefit Event!


A Fresh Start: New Year Updates and Information!