It’s Been a Great Summer!

August 8, 2022

Dear Soundview Family, 

It has been great to see so many of you at Soundview’s Summer Camps. Students and staff had a lot of fun! The campus will be closed next week, August 8 through 12, for cleaning. You can reach Soundview staff via phone and email. 

Today’s email is a reminder that the school year starts soon. You can find the school year calendar attached, as well as on the Soundview website. Dolphin Day is on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Dolphin Day is an opportunity for students and parents to come to campus during an assigned time, see their classrooms, meet their teachers, and work out any start-of-school jitters. The first day of school is Wednesday, September 7, 2022. You will receive all of the information to attend Dolphin Day and start the school year on Friday, August 26.  

Registration for 2022-2023 After School Care, Club, and Activities will be available early in September. We’re excited to offer a full schedule of activities this year! 

Please find school year 2022-2023 class lists HERE.

Last June, we said thank you and goodbye to outgoing board president Liz Smith. I’m excited to introduce Soundview’s next board president Shawn Heidel. Here is a short message from Shawn: 

I am excited to be stepping into the role as the Soundview Board President. I want to thank Liz Smith for the fantastic work she did setting us up for success. I strongly believe that Soundview has never been in a better position than it is now, and I know the future is bright. I am eager to continue growing the Soundview Board and our partnership with the Administrative team as we look to the future.

Finally, we want to thank you for your help and patience as we launch Soundview’s new database. This year will be a transition of systems. It is an important upgrade for Soundview’s future! 

All the very best,


Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School

Chris Watson

Soundview Head of School


Soundview School 2022-2023 Begins


We are nearly at the 2021-2022 finish line.