We are nearly at the 2021-2022 finish line.

June 10, 2022

Dear Soundview Family,

We are nearly at the 2021-2022 finish line. Here are a few items for your consideration as we round out the year:

  • Join SPGA for a community picnic Saturday, June 11 on the Soundview campus. Details, volunteer sign-up, and registration are HERE

  • There aren’t many more drop-offs and pick-ups for this year. Next time you are on campus, please take a moment to appreciate our wonderful gardens and landscaping. This is all due to the hard work and good eye of Facilities Manager, Bill (Buck) Good. Thank you, Buck.

  • Below is a letter from our Board President, Liz Smith. We bid her farewell and offer our deep thanks. An announcement about our new president will be sent later this summer.

  • The 2022-2023 calendar can be found HERE

  • Our next regular letters to the community will be published midsummer and two weeks before the start of school.

Very Important:

Thursday of next week, guardians of enrolled students will receive a request to provide updated information about their students. There will be a single email per household. This information is critical and must be completed by June 30, 2022. The two essential items will be the medical information regarding your students and the updated Student Information, which includes emergency contact, authorized pick-ups, and much more. In addition to these two requests for information, there will be an optional item where you can express your opinion about the state of Soundview School. Please watch your email for this very important request.

From Liz Smith, Soundview Board President: 

Dear Soundview Friends,

 After nearly a decade of service to Soundview and two Soundview graduates in college, it is time for me to transition off the Board of Trustees and pass the baton to new leadership. Of course, this decision comes with mixed emotions.  

 My children enrolled in Soundview in 2007. For the next 10 years they thrived in this special community, becoming knowledgeable, compassionate, and ethical citizens and leaders—a reflection of Soundview’s mission.  I joined the Board in 2014 because I wanted others to have the same opportunity to educate their children at this incredible school. Since then, and with Chris’ outstanding leadership as well as a committed Board of Trustees, we  added a new building, retained faculty and families, grew the board of trustees, and significantly expanded enrollment. Much of this was accomplished while our dedicated faculty and staff worked tirelessly to educate our students during a pandemic.  

 I’m extremely proud of Soundview and its mission. Soundview’s values and virtues come alive in our students. This is a planned transition of board leadership and I will work closely with Chris and the board to make this transition effective and positive. I’m confident that our new trustee leadership will successfully guide the school through its next phase of strategic growth.  

 I am deeply grateful to Chris and his amazing team of faculty and staff. I’d also like to thank my fellow trustees for their willingness to donate their time and tremendous resources to ensure the success of our school. Lastly, I’d like to thank the Soundview community for the opportunity to serve.

 With gratitude,


We wish Liz the very best in her next adventure and offer her our most sincere gratitude.

Thank you to all of our Soundview Family,


Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School

Chris Watson

Soundview Head of School


It’s Been a Great Summer!


Transitions, exhibitions, and GLBTQQ+: it's all here for you!