It’s been a tough week.

May 26, 2022

Dear Soundview Family,

It’s been a tough week. The tragedy on May 24, at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas has left us all stunned and many of us, myself included, exhausted. We can try to understand it. We can try to make sense of it in some way. What we are left with, when all is said and done,  is the understanding that this is chaos: a chaos that is offensive to the human spirit. 

That is what we can’t control.

What we can control is how we move forward. 

I intend to spend the next few days holding close the family that I cherish. They give me hope. What I can control is making sure that every parent and student associated with this school knows that we will do everything humanly possible to keep them safe, and by ‘safe’ I mean able to go about the campus without fear, leading the school-life that we have built together–life that is ethical, rigorous, and compassionate.

Here are a few more things that we can control that will help:

  • We can respect our own anxiety and that of others. Your feelings are valid.

  • We can listen to our children. Their feelings are valid. Sometimes we need to carve out time and space just to listen. There was never a better time to make this effort. It may take some work, but it will be worth it.

  • Try to make sure that your input to your children is appropriate to their age level and respond in a way that is of value to them. A teenager is going to have very different needs than a first-grader or an adult.

Soundview has effective security protocols. I will list some below, but if you have a question, please contact me or another member of our team. 

  • We have a strict access policy. Everyone who enters the campus must sign in with a member of the faculty.

  • We lock all doors to the exterior of the campus.

  • We have monthly lock-down and evacuation drills.

  • We have a close relationship with the Lynnwood Police Department.

  • All faculty and staff are in constant communication via walkie-talkies as they move throughout the campus.

  • We work with a professional safety consultant.

  • We update our safety and security protocols regularly, including incident command and shelter-in-place procedures.

Here are some additional resources that you might find valuable:

We will continue to communicate these policies to you, but if you have questions please reach out to us. We are here to listen to you.



Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School

Chris Watson

Soundview Head of School


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