School Pictures, Community Coffee, Sibling Admissions: there's a whole lot going on!
School picture days are Tuesday, October 11, 2022 for all individual student photos, and Wednesday, October 12, 2022 for photos of our students with their siblings. Soundview uses Lincoln and Lucy Photography.
Dear Soundview Family,
This morning at drop-off, a first- grade student reminded me that October starts tomorrow, and it’s his favorite month. We agree! There is a lot to look forward to at Soundview in October.
Soundview applications for siblings of current students are available now and due December 2, 2022 for the 2023-2024 school year. Using the sibling admissions process moves your child to the front of the admissions line. You can begin your application now on Ravenna, our online admissions software. Start your application HERE.
Applications are also now being accepted for all other interested families. The deadline for applications for the 2023-2024 school year is February 3, 2023. If you know of a family that would benefit from an ethical, rigorous, and compassionate school experience, please refer them to Soundview School.
Get all of your questions about admissions answered by contacting Victoria Nunes, Soundview’s new Director of Enrollment Management HERE.
Here are some more important October dates:
Our first Community Coffee is Wednesday, October 12, 2022, starting at 9:10 AM. We will meet in the Soundview Performing Arts Center. Parking is available beginning at 9:00 AM in the Soundview parking lot. Join school counselor Travis Wood and me for a conversation about supporting a successful school year for our students.
School picture days are Tuesday, October 11, 2022 for all individual student photos, and Wednesday, October 12, 2022 for photos of our students with their siblings. Soundview uses Lincoln and Lucy Photography. You can preview their work HERE.
There is no school on Friday October 14, 2022. There also is no childcare available. Our faculty and staff will be working on our diversity, equity, and inclusion planning, as well as attending the Northwest International Baccalaureate annual conference and training.
The first Soundview Spirit Week of the school year is October 24 through October 28, 2022. Wacky hat day, look-alike day, special color day–these are all examples of what your students can expect! Major point: no special purchases allowed! This is all for fun and out of the box. Look for details soon.
Finally, there is no school Monday October 31, 2022 or Tuesday, November 1, 2022. These days are reserved for student-parent-teacher conferences. Details and sign-up information will be sent soon. There will be in-person and virtual options available.
Best to you and your family,
Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School
One more thing…
September is National Mushroom Month! Learn more about mushrooms from the National Mushroom Council HERE.