Official Soundview COVID Guidelines Released March 25

March 25, 2022

Dear Soundview Family, 

We have made major updates to our COVID mitigation policies. As you know, there has been a flurry of new information recently and policy changes from the governor on down to the local level.

In consultation with Snohomish Health and other health care professionals, we have a new and well defined statement. Granted, the situation will change over time, but there are new policies in place that every Soundview family should be aware of. 

We had a town hall style meeting Thursday, April 24 online. The video of the online presentation and the specifics of the updated health and safety policies can be found at this LINK. The policies can be viewed on our web site by Soundview parents at this LINK.

Next Week: 

  • Community Coffee for our Middle Years Program parents with Matt and Travis next Tuesday 9:15 AM in PAC

  • Parent/teacher and student-led conferences next Thursday and Friday, March 31 and  April 1; no school for students

  • Spring Break April 4 through 8. The campus will be closed. We’ll send home two rapid tests for each student for return to school, the same as we did for mid-winter break.

  • Please keep the morning of Saturday, May 14 on your calendar for the Soundview gala! This will be the first time our entire Soundview family will be asked to gather together since the beginning of the pandemic. You won’t want to miss it. We have reserved an outdoor space at Lynndale Park, just around the corner from school, for the event.

My deep thanks to you all for your support,


Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School

Chris Watson

Soundview Head of School


The Soundview Gala 2022 Walk-a-Thon, Soundview Style: actual walking is completely optional


Spring Break and a New Website