A Heartfelt Congratulations to Our Soundview Community!

We had an incredible time supporting Soundview and celebrating Chris this past Saturday at the Spring Benefit! Be sure to check out the link below to relive the special moments and see photos from the event.

Dear Soundview Community,

Our Soundview Spring Benefit was an incredible success, and I am grateful for this amazing community. Thanks to the Soundview Board of Trustees, Soundview Parent & Guardian Association (SPGA), Director of Advancement Ryan Wasserman, Laura Higgins and the Soundview Band, our dedicated faculty and staff and childcare team, and the families and friends of our school who not only reached but exceeded our goal by raising over $160,000 at this event! Your generosity and support ensures that Soundview continues to provide an ethical, rigorous, and compassionate education. View photos from the event HERE, and view the band performance from the evening HERE. 

For those who were unable to attend but still wish to make an impact, you can make a gift to continue supporting our mission HERE.

On Tuesday of this week our 1st and 2nd-grade classes took an enriching trip to the Burke Museum, where they continued exploring their storytelling unit. During their visit, they listened to How Mouse Moved the Mountain by Artist and Storyteller Ty Juvinel (Tulalip), engaged with cultural belongings from Coast Salish traditions, and even created their own puppets to tell their own unique stories. See photos from this inspiring outing below. 

On Thursday, our middle school students took center stage at the Soundview Performing Arts Center for this year’s Declamations which are a long-standing Soundview tradition! This student-led, live variety show showcased their creativity, confidence, and performance skills. Bravo to all our middle school students for an incredible show! Check out photos from these events below.

We need your help! For the next eighteen months, Soundview is working on its self-study for Northwest Association of Independent School accreditation. As part of the process, we need your feedback on a parent survey, and high participation is important. We’ll have a QR code available at next week’s conferences. The survey will only take about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance! 

Eighth - graders are still finishing up the Community Project, which is the culmination of a Soundview education. Students develop awareness of needs in various communities and address those needs through service learning. We’re continuing to highlight students’ projects. Here’s a note from Yi-Chun and Isabelle:

  • My name is Yi Chun and I’m hosting a Food Drive for my community, We Heart Seattle. We Heart Seattle is a non-profit organization that does trash cleanups and helps the homeless in the area, with their main operation going on in Downtown Seattle. When I asked them what supplies they needed, they said that for donations you can donate preserved meat sticks, and any type of candy, so long it doesn’t contain any peanuts. The donation stations will be located by the front desk and by the 2 chairs by the doors. 

  • I am Isabelle, and I am an 8th grader here at soundview. I am doing the action part of my community project with Seattle Humane, a Humane society that cares for dogs, cats, and small animals such as rabbits, Guinea pigs, etc. Seattle Humane also has a pet food bank, and they receive the majority of their supply by donations from the community. So, for my community project, I am hosting a pet food supply drive. Some of the things that they need are: dry dog food, dry cat food, canned dog food, canned cat food, and litter. This list is not the limit of what you can donate, I would prefer if I got some of these things, however any kind of pet food (and litter) is good as well. However, they are running low on dry cat food and canned dog food. The supply drive will take place on the week of April 21st to 25th. The donations will hopefully be located by the front office. 

Here are the reminders and opportunities during the months of March and April: 

  • Our 9th ParentMap ParentEd Talk will take place on Tuesday, April 1st from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. The topic is From Chaos to Calm, Compassionate Discipline for Spirited Kids with Parent Coach & Author of “Raising Lions” Joe Newman. The live viewing for current Soundview parents will be in the Soundview library, with an optional discussion until 1:30 pm. Space will be limited. If you're unable to join us in person, you can register to watch the live stream. Here are a few helpful details:

    • Soundview community members can register HERE.

    • The password for complimentary ticket access is SOUNDVSCH

    • After the talk concludes, all registered attendees will be emailed a link to watch the recorded session at their convenience.

    • Join the Soundview Parent and Guardian Association (SPGA) for their next meeting on Wednesday, April 2nd, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. If you require childcare, please sign up for HERE

  • There is no school for students on Thursday, April 3rd and Friday, April 4th for parent/teacher/student-led conferences. There will be drop-in care available for students during the time of your conferences. 

  • Spring Break is April 7th through 11th. There is no school for students, and the Soundview offices will be closed. School resumes at the usual time on Monday, April 14th.

  • Spring picture day is coming up. Lincoln and Lucy Photography will be on campus one last time to offer spring pictures on Tuesday, April 15th. Pictures will be taken outside. If weather conditions do not permit outdoor photos, a spring blue background will be used instead. Check out examples HERE. If you would like your child to have their picture taken, please RSVP by Friday April 4th HERE

  • The next band and orchestra concert is on Thursday, April 24th from 4:30-6:00 pm. This concert is the annual performance led by the orchestra, grade level bands, and the small and large ensembles. Here are some details for the event: 

    • For 5th - 8th grade band members and orchestra students who remain on campus will be supervised by Soundview staff. 

    • Students who leave campus should return at 4:15 dressed for the concert. 

    • If the sibling of a band/orchestra member needs to stay on campus, there will be childcare available from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. 

    • Please fill out the RSVP form if your child will need childcare by Friday, April 18th HERE.

Around the world and in different communities, March and April are months of recognition and awareness:

  • International Transgender Day of Visibility (often referred to as TDOV or Trans Day of Visibility) is an annual event occurring every March 31st since 2009. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. Since the first day of observance, it has since been spearheaded by the U.S.-based youth advocacy organization Trans Student Educational Resources. Read more about this HERE.

  • April is World Autism Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness, fostering understanding, and promoting acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). World Autism Awareness Day, observed on April 2nd, was established by the United Nations in 2007 to highlight the need for greater support, research, and inclusion for individuals with autism. This day, and the entire month, encourages communities worldwide to celebrate the unique strengths and contributions of autistic individuals while advocating for accessibility, early diagnosis, and resources that empower them to thrive. By increasing awareness and embracing neurodiversity, we can help create a more inclusive and compassionate world for all. Learn more HERE.

Thank you again to our entire community for your incredible support and commitment to Soundview!

Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School 

One more thing… 
March 28th, 1910 Henri Marie Léonce Fabre (November 29th, 1882 – June 30th, 1984) flew his Hydroavian, the first seaplane, at Étang de Berre, a lagoon about 25 kilometers (15½ miles) west of Marseille, on the Mediterranean coast of France. The airplane, named Le Canard, flew 457 meters (1,499 feet). Fabre’s airplane was powered by a normally-aspirated, air-cooled, 7.983 liter (487.140-cubic-inch-displacement) Société des Moteurs Gnome Omega 7-cylinder rotary engine which produced 50 horsepower at 1,200 r.p.m. The direct-drive engine turned a two-bladed wooden propeller in a left-hand, pusher configuration. Read more about this HERE


A Spectacular & Joyful Spring Showcase!