A Spectacular & Joyful Spring Showcase!
The Spring Showcase was a truly joyful experience, as our students proudly displayed their hard work through vibrant and creative art pieces around campus!
Dear Soundview Community,
It has been an exciting and eventful week at Soundview! A highlight of the week was the Early Childhood through Fourth Grade Spring Showcase. Families and friends explored the classrooms and hallways as our youngest students proudly discussed their projects and classwork. Great work! You can see photos from this event below.
On Monday and Tuesday of this week several of our middle school students attended the NWAIS Student Diversity Leadership Retreat at Black Diamond Camp in Auburn, WA. This event fostered leadership, collaboration, and personal growth. Students built relationships and practiced skills of communication and inclusiveness. View photos from this retreat below.

On Thursday we held our 8th ParentEd Talk, Harmony at home, Successfully Navigating Parent-Child Differences with Pediatric Psychologists and parent coach Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart. You can watch the recorded session with the information below:
Watch the recorded talk HERE.
Password: ed*talks*replay
Eighth - graders are finishing up the Community Project, which is the culmination of a Soundview education. Students develop awareness of needs in various communities and address those needs through service learning. In the coming weeks, we’ll highlight students’ projects. Here’s a note from Draven and Lydiana:
“Hi! I’m Draven. I’m an eighth-grade student working on the “action” stage of my Community Project. For those who don’t know, a community project is like our final project at Soundview. I’ve chosen the community of those in need of necessities to live, like food, shelter, and warmth. To address the needs of my community I decided to run a supply drive from April 14th - April 18th for the following items: vanilla extract, semi-sweet chocolate chips, sour dried cherries, unsweetened applesauce, honey or molasses, rolled oats (not quick oats), honey or molasses, extra virgin olive oil, and kosher or fine sea salt. All of the items in the drive will be donated to Community Loaves to be made into cookies and bread. If you’d like to donate we’ll have a donation station in front of the main door for the whole week. The community would appreciate your donations.”
“Hi, I’m Lydiana! I’m doing a community project to help endangered animals of the Pacific Northwest, because they care about animals and want to protect them. So,I’m gathering volunteers for a forest work party with Green City Partnerships to take care of animals’ habitats. Come and volunteer if you want to help the environment! Students are welcome to volunteer alone or with their families. The work party will be on Saturday, April 19, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. For more information, see the Toddle announcement in next Tuesday’s communication!”
A reminder that Ms. Molly is hosting Soundview’s 12th Annual Yearbook Cover Contest! All students are invited to participate and showcase their creativity, submissions are due on Friday, April 25th. You can find more details and submission guidelines HERE.
Here are the reminders and opportunities during the months of March and April:
Middle Years Program’s (MYP) Declamations is Thursday, March 27th from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm in the Soundview Performing Arts Center. This is a fully student-produced live variety show performance with a long tradition. This is a must-see event for the entire school community!
Additional parking will be available across the street from Soundview at the Lynnwood Ice Center.
We will provide supervision for siblings of performers from dismissal to 4:25 pm with an RSVP, which is due by Wednesday, March 26th. Please pick up your student(s) at 4:15 pm. RSVP for sibling supervision HERE.
For all other friends and family, doors open and please arrive at 4:15 pm to ensure a prompt start at 4:30 pm.
All students who are not performers MUST be accompanied by an adult and arrive with the other audience members between 4:15 pm-4:25 pm.
Our 9th ParentMap ParentEd Talk will take place on Tuesday, April 1st from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. The topic is From Chaos to Calm, Compassionate Discipline for Spirited Kids with Parent Coach & Author of “Raising Lions” Joe Newman. The live viewing for current Soundview parents will be in the Soundview library, with an optional discussion until 1:30 pm. Space will be limited. If you're unable to join us in person, you can register to watch the live stream. Here are a few helpful details:
Soundview community members can register HERE.
The password for complimentary ticket access is SOUNDVSCH
After the talk concludes, all registered attendees will be emailed a link to watch the recorded session at their convenience.
Join the Soundview Parent and Guardian Association (SPGA) for their next meeting on Wednesday, April 2nd, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. If you require childcare, please sign up for HERE.
There is no school for students on Thursday, April 3rd and Friday, April 4th for parent/teacher/student-led conferences. There will be drop-in care available for students during the time of your conferences. Conference sign-ups were sent out on Tuesday, March 11th via Toddle. Please contact your classroom teacher if you did not receive it.
Spring Break is April 7th through 11th. There is no school for students, and the Soundview offices will be closed. School resumes at the usual time on Monday, April 14th.
Spring picture day is coming up. Lincoln and Lucy Photography will be on campus one last time to offer spring pictures on Tuesday, April 15th. Pictures will be taken outside. If weather conditions do not permit outdoor photos, a spring blue background will be used instead. Check out examples HERE. If you would like your child to have their picture taken, please RSVP by Friday April 4th HERE.
Around the world and in different communities, March is a month of recognition and awareness:
March 12th was Holi, which is a popular and significant Hindu festival celebrated as the Festival of Colours, Love, and welcoming Spring. It celebrates the eternal and divine love of the deities Radha and Krishna. Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it commemorates the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. You can learn more about this HERE.
March 13th was Purim, a Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from annihilation at the hands of an official of the Achaemenid Empire named Haman, as it is recounted in the Book of Esther. Haman was the royal vizier to the Persian king Ahasuerus. Purim is celebrated among Jews by exchanging gifts of food and drink, known as mishloach manot and donating charity to the poor, known as mattanot la-evyonim. You can learn more about this HERE.
March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day, which began in 2007. The 21st day of March was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. The General Assembly of the United Nations has decided to observe it each year since 2012. You can learn more about this HERE.
In 2007, the UN designated March 25th as International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade. This annual observance offers the opportunity to honor and remember those who suffered and died at the hands of the brutal slavery system. You can learn more about this HERE.
Looking forward to celebrating and supporting our school tomorrow at the Spring Benefit!
Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School
One more thing…
On March 21st, 1965, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led thousands of demonstrators on the historic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in a powerful stand for voting rights. This march, the culmination of weeks of violent resistance and national outrage, followed the brutal events of “Bloody Sunday,” where peaceful protestors were attacked by law enforcement on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. With federal protection secured, King and his supporters completed the 54-mile journey, drawing widespread attention to the injustices faced by Black Americans in the South. The march was a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement, directly influencing the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which outlawed discriminatory voting practices. It remains a defining moment in American history, symbolizing the power of nonviolent protest and the ongoing struggle for racial equality. Read more about this HERE.