Earth Day, The GALA, Soundview band and orchestra’s final concert: all here in this message from Chris. Read on.

April 22, 2022

Dear Soundview Family, 

Happy Earth Day! Our Early Years classes were in charge of today’s Earth Day celebration assembly. Check it out HERE. More information about Earth Day can be found at National Geographic Kids HERE.

The GALA! Saturday morning, May 14, 10:00 AM, Lynndale Park–the very first time in years that the entire Soundview community has been invited to a single event. Please don’t miss this opportunity to get together with our entire Soundview community. Kids and grands are very welcome. Check out the details HERE.

A few more reminders: 

  • Continue checking your child for symptoms and taking their temperature at home each morning. 

  • Complete the daily health attestation form found HERE.

  • Stay home if you’re not feeling well. 

  • Soundview band and orchestra’s final concert is next Thursday morning, April 28 at 9:20 AM. This event will be streamed live and recording available. We’ll send you a link to the recording. View the concert live HERE. Please note that not all students will be participating. 

  • Finally, join us next Tuesday, April 26, 9:15 AM for a Middle Years Community Coffee. Bring your Soundview coffee mug and visit with your fellow parents.

All the best for this weekend. It’s supposed to be great weather.


Chris Watson, Soundview Head of School

Chris Watson

Soundview Head of School


There is a lot to look forward to at Soundview this spring!


We have lots to share today: Skills Collaborative, Spanish language, faculty retention, and much more. Read on.